UI/UX & Backend Alchemist

Hi, I'm Elysée NIYIBIZI

I'm a passionate software engineer who believes in working hard to solve complex problems. My expertise lies in backend development, but I also have experience working on frontend projects. Crafting modern, responsive, and user-friendly websites is my passion. Working remotely, I've curated stunning digital spaces for businesses and individuals alike. I specialize in creating not just beautiful, but functional and accessible online experiences. Let's transform your ideas into a digital reality!

👉Isaiah 14:24👈

✍️God fearing Man🙏

Let's chat
design_services code code_off design_services

About Me

Hello there! My name is Elysée NIYIBIZI, a dedicated student pursuing a major in Computer Science at the University of Kigali. Passionate about the dynamic world of technology, I am on a continuous quest for knowledge and innovation.

Currently, I am expanding my skill set as a trainee in ALX Africa's Fullstack Software Engineering program. This immersive experience goes beyond traditional learning, providing me with hands-on expertise in both front-end and back-end technologies. Collaborating with a diverse and talented community, I am cultivating the skills needed to craft robust and scalable software solutions.

My academic journey at the University of Kigali and the practical insights gained from ALX Africa are shaping me into a versatile and forward-thinking professional. I am not just learning to code; I am embracing the challenges and opportunities that come with being part of the ever-evolving tech landscape.

As I continue to explore the vast possibilities within computer science, my goal is clear: to contribute meaningfully to the intersection of creativity and technology. Join me on this exciting journey, where curiosity meets capability, and let's build the future of software together.

View CV


Back-End Developer











UI/UX designer



Adobe Illustartor




Adobe Xd



Here are some of my projects!


Creating a Game in 3D using raycasting. Designed for kids so they can improve their spatial recognition and analytical skills. Developed using SDL2 and C, this project leverages the power of low-level programming to craft a seamless gaming experience.


Tip-Calculator 📲 🎰 📲

A simple and user-friendly web application designed to make splitting bills and calculating tips a breeze! This site was built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

AirBnB Clone

AirBnB Clone 🎬 🏛️ 🎬

ALX-Holbertonbnb is a complete full-stack web application, integrating a MySQL database and Flask RESTful API with a dynamic HTML5/CSS3/jQuery Front-end. But unfortunately at the end of every year alx destroys all their servers you won't get the chance to access the DEMO☹️

Animal donation Website 🐕

This an animal donation website where users join in the mission to donate to different animal cause. This site was built using HTML, CSS and Javascipt.

Weather App ⛈️

An application provides you with real-time weather information, including the current temperature, wind speed, humidity, and more. Stay informed about the weather conditions in your location with this sleek and intuitive weather app. This site was built using HTML, CSS and Javascipt.

Simple Quiz app Website 📖

This is a simple Bible Quiz App I designed in Web using Html, css and Javascript. This is simple Quiz App that contains a set of bible curated questions and its answers and checks for the correctness of the answer given by the user.